Features and Benefits of Forklift Bin Tipper Attachments
Large scale industrial and warehouse operations often need to move large amounts of product or waste rapidly.
Easy to install and operate forklift bin tipper attachments allow the easy and rapid movement and dumping of product and waste.
This week’s blog looks at the features and benefits of using bin tipper attachments.
There are two main types of bin tipping attachments:
- Large scale plastic bin tipper used in agriculture and food processing for the dumping of large amounts of raw products and ingredients
- Wheelie bin tippers used to dump the contents of garbage bins
Forklift mounted bin tipper attachments are fitted over the units existing tynes by way of tyne slippers.
The hydraulically controlled tipping mechanism applies the correct amount of pressure to the top lip or sides (depending on the type of bin) to allow for the controlled tipping of the bin and its load in a fast and safe manner.
Attached to the forklift tynes the attachment can be raised and lowered as necessary to the correct height for tipping loads.
Some of the benefits of using a forklift bin tipper attachment are discussed below.
Easy transfer of goods
Tipping attachments are especially useful in the agriculture and food production industry where large bins of raw products and ingredients need to be transported and dumped as part of production.
Examples include the transfer of freshly picked fruit placed in large bins in an orchard can be transported and dumped onto cleaning equipment inside packing sheds.

Liquid transfers
Similar to above how tipper attachments allow for the dumping of ingredients or raw products they also allow the transfer of bins of liquid products or ingredients as part of production processes.
Cost savings from Increased forklift versatility
With the ability to mount and unmount tipping attachments from the forklift when required businesses can save on costs as they are able to use the forklift for dual purpose as a tipper when necessary and as a standard forklift when tipping isn’t required.
The cost of the removable tipping attachment is significantly less than purchasing two separate pieces of capital equipment a forklift and then a specialist tipping unit.
Increased hygiene when dumping waste
Utilising tipping attachments can significantly increase hygiene in food or waste processing.
Rather than workers having to empty bins of food scraps or waste by hand, using a bin tipper attachment allows them to conveniently and hygienically empty the waste without having to touch it at all.
Increased employee safety
In large scale operations loads that need to be dumped weigh considerable amounts, using a tipping attachment increases employee safety as they do not manually have to transport or lift loads as it can be completed by forklift.
Not having to lift and dump heavy loads manually leaves employees less likely to suffer back injuries from lifting heavy loads.
For further information as to how your business can benefit from using forklift bin tipper attachments contact a member of our team to discuss your requirements on 13 22 54 or email us.
Reference List
- Cascade Corporation (2009). Cascade Forward Bin Dumper. [video] Available at: https://youtu.be/UnBUPfgt8ME [Accessed 7 Feb. 2020].
- East West Engineering (2013). Wheelie Bin Tipper – Type NWB-T1. [video] Available at: https://youtu.be/eZvOP-XJFRg [Accessed 7 Feb. 2020].